Section 1: Introduction

Section 2: Flutter & Dart Basics 1 - Getting a Solid Foundation[ROLL DICE APP]

Section 3: Flutter & Dart Basics 2 - Fundamentals Deep Dive[QUIZ APP]

Section 4: Debugging Flutter Apps

Section 5: Adding Interactivity, More Widgets & Theming [EXPENSE TRACKER APP]

Section 6: Building Responsive & Adaptive User Interfaces [EXPENSE TRACKER APP]

Section 7: Flutter & Dart Internals [TODO APP]

Section 8: Building Multi-Screen Apps & Navigating Between Screens [MEALS APP]

Section 9: Managing App-wide State [MEALS APP]

Section 10: Adding Animations [MEALS APP]

Section 11: Handling User Input & Working with Forms [SHOPPING LIST APP]

Section 12: Connecting a Backend & Sending HTTP Requests [SHOPPING LIST APP]

Section 13: Using Native Device Features (e.g., Camera) [FAVORITE PLACES APP]

Section 14: Push Notifications & More: Building a Chat App with Flutter & Firebase


Section1: Introduction